The preaching of Easter celebration – Another Jesus

The preaching of Easter celebration – Another Jesus

By Sam Eyoboka
In II Corithians 11:2, it is written: “If He that cometh, preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if you receive another spirit which you have not rec-eived or another gospel, which you have not receiv-ed or another gospel, which you have not accepted, you might well bear with him.”

File: An actor dressed as Jesus Christ carries a cross, as he reenacts the crucifixion walk, along the cobble streets of Old San Juan during the Good Friday procession in San Juan, Puerto Rico on March 30, 2018. / AFP PHOTO /

And Paul said in Galatians 1:8: “But though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you, than that we have preach-ed unto you, Let him be accursed.”
The confession of a true seeker (2)
It means that any minist-er of God that seduces the congregation into receiv-ing another spirit, through the preaching of another Jesus or another gospel, apart from the preaching of the incorruptible word of truth, which is the gospel of salvation, is accursed!
It is the incorruptible word of truth, that shall set free the people of God from the wiles or the deceit of the devil. Hence Jesus says in John 8:32: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” For example, the whole world is being deceived by the de-vil, to believe that “Easter” signifies the day of Christ’s resurrection.
It may be shocking to many believers in Christ, that the name “Easter” has nothing to do with the Christian faith. It is a Cha-ldean word, pronounced as Ishtar. Ishtar also called Ashtarte or Ashtaroth, is another name for the “queen of heaven” or goddess of the moon. The worship of Baal, the sun-god and the worship of Easter (Ishtar), the moon-goddess, and their idolat-rous festivities, had been in existence before Christ was born.
In Judges 2:13-14, it is written: “And they forsook the Lord and served Baal and Ashtaroth (Ishtar/Easter). And the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel, and He delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them and He sold them into the hands of their enemies round about, so that they could no longer stand be-fore their enemies.”
Therefore, the celebrat-ion of Easter/Ashtaroth/queen of heaven, is an in-direct worship of this god-dess, the worship of which incurred the anger of God.
It is important to know that all these idolatrous pa-gan festivals/festivities, li-ke Easter, were brought in-to the Christian faith, from Rome, being a highly idol-atrous city. The word “Easter” that is found writ-ten in Acts 12:4, was a pag-an festivity, that was being observed by King Herod and all the heathens, in that city, hence Peter was kept in prison by Herod, that Peter might be broug-ht to the people after their Easter festival. The saints in that early church were being persecuted by the king, which led to the kill-ing of James, which in turn, led to the ceaseless prayer of the churchunto God for the release of Peter from prison, so that he would not be killed by the king.
The record we have in the New Testament, is that Christ rose from the dead, the third day, which fell on the first day of the week, known as the Lord’s Day in Revelation 1:10. And so, the Lord’s day, which is the day of Christ’s resurrection, is the only day recognized in heaven by God, when the saints of God shall assem-ble, to worship the risen Christ. In the early church, the disciples of Jesus, would assemble together every first day of the week, which is the Lord’s Day, to continue in the apostles’ doctrine and in breaking of bread and prayers, as writ-ten in Acts 2:42.
There is no record in the Acts of the Apostles that the saints of God, in the early church, set aside a particu-lar month, in the year, to observe and to celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead. The worship of the risen Christ, on every first day of the week, is the Lord’s Day service, and should not even be called Sunday service, because Sund-ay is the day set aside in Rome, for the wor-ship of the Sun-god. Therefore the doctrine of Easter celebration, is the doctrine of another Jesus, which is Satan’s doctrine.
This is why this celebrat-ion is bedeviled with drun-kenness, and is corrupted with surfeitings, banquet-tings, worldly amusemen-ts and sexual immoralit-ies, which contradict the word of God; and even, most times, ghastly motor accidents on our roads, du-ring this festivity, as a re-sult of drunkenness, becau-se Satan the prince of this world is the author of “Easter” celebration! Prior to the pagan Easter celeb-ration, the devil deceives the people to abstain from meats, on a so-called “Good Friday”.
But everyday of the week is like every other day and there is no parti-cular day that is better than the other. Forbidding to eat meat at all, is the doctrine of the devil, as written in I Timothy 4:1-3. Everyone that is of the truth, shall hear the voice of Jesus-John 18:37.
Therefore, he that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches, thus saith the Lord.Source:


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